Knights Angelicus (NCF) (2024)

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (1)

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (2)

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (3)

Knights Angelicus (NCF)Knights Angelicus (CF)Full History of the OrderFull Campaign ListSakanna

Culture of the Order

Full Memeber ListStories

"It was in that moment that the civilians realized who came to save them….when the warriors of the Knights Angelicus ran past them and into the horde of chaos filth. Sword,shield, and bolter meet daemonic weapons as the so called protectors of the innocent formed a bloody wall. When brothers fell they filled the gap determined to not let any foes through it. Blood of both ally and foe covered their armor as their weapons became dull and broken and ammo ran low. Many knew they would not survive for they were buying time for reinforcements to come and during that bloody stand the angel filled the Sons of Lost Sakanna with his rage"
—Unknown historian remarking about the last stand of the 3rd Order circa late M41

The Knights Angelicus, an ancient and storied order, trace their legends back to the 50th Chapter of the Ninth Legio Astartes. The record of their legend and success rivals even the oldest chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Their brotherhood standing strong in the imperium's darkest moments. Furthermore their fury becomes the shield of the people they vow to protect as described in the ancient oaths that each and every member of the chapter has sworn to both their father Sanguinius and the Imperium, as well as the very words as described in the tenants of the Stygian Oath. These words echo in the hearts and minds of the chapter and its deeds. They are the Angels Knights and his wrath will be known.


  • 1 History of the Order
    • 1.1 Birthed in Blood
      • 1.1.1 Maccardian Ashes
    • 1.2 Their Fathers Return
  • 2 Notable Campaigns
    • 2.1 Era of Dawning, M30-M31
    • 2.2 Era of Carnage, M32-M34
    • 2.3 Era of Bloodied Glory, M35-M37
    • 2.4 Era of Death, M38-M42
    • 2.5 Homeworld
      • 2.5.1 Fauna
      • 2.5.2 Flora
      • 2.5.3 Minerals and Elements
      • 2.5.4 Notable Areas of Sakanna
      • 2.5.5 Kingdoms
      • 2.5.6 Knightly Orders
    • 2.6 Fortress-Monastery
  • 3 Organization
    • 3.1 Ranks
    • 3.2 Special Ranks/Titles
    • 3.4 The Bladed Host
    • 4.1 Mastercrafted Blades and Armor
    • 4.2 Chamber of Blades
    • 4.3 Bells of The Damned
    • 4.4 Warrior Born of Vengeance
    • 4.5 The Twin Sentinels
    • 4.6 Protectors of The Innocent
    • 4.7 Vengeful Oaths
    • 4.8 Orders
  • 5 Chapter Recruitment
    • 5.1 The Obsidian Path
  • 6 Gene-Seed
    • 6.1 Gene-Seed Flaws
  • 7 Deathwatch Service
  • 8 Combat Doctrine
  • 9 Notable Characters
    • 9.1 Chapter Member Bios
  • 10 Chapter Specific Equipment
    • 10.1 Sakannic Pattern Weapons
    • 10.2 Darkholm Pattern Helmets
      • 10.2.1 Variant "Caphael"
      • 10.2.2 Variant "Malarion"
      • 10.2.3 Variant "Nhilius"
      • 10.2.4 Variant "Daedalus"
    • 10.3 Warden Pattern Power Armor
  • 11 Fleet
  • 12 Relics
  • 13 Appearance
    • 13.1 Heraldry
    • 13.2 Chapter Colors
    • 13.3 Chapter Badge
  • 14 Relations
    • 14.1 Allies
  • 15 Notable Quotes
    • 15.1 By: Knights Angelicus
    • 15.2 About: Knights Angelicus
  • 16 Gallery of Images
    • 16.1 Rank and File

History of the Order[]

Birthed in Blood[]

"Reckless are our brothers from the 50th. They lack reason, anger pervades their every thought, Such will be their downfall"
—Captain Biachinus Anatata of the IX Legion

Ages ago in a time not many remember lies a chapter of the IXth Legion known as the "Knights of Dishonor." A chapter that traces their conception to the days of the Revenant Legion and the earliest days of the IXth Legions existence. Prior to the arrival of Sanguinius the members of this chapter contained some of the most uncontrollable members of the legion. Because of this they were considered to be an ashamed unit meant solely for punishment, due to that they often threw themselves into the enemy in an attempt to prove themselves. This led to many losses being inflicted to both sides as well as the loss of their original leader Chapter Master Raphael Daneel. While yes he was dead he like various other leaders amongst the IXth legion actually had one of his brothers consume his body and memories which also included taking his name, this was recorded to only happen twice in the history of the fiftieth chapter.

Prior to the arrival of their genefather Sanguinius the fifthieth chapter was known as the "Knights of Dishonor." Some say this is due to the chapter originally being used to contain the most uncontrollable and disobedient members of the legion. But regardless this made them into a reckless unit hell bent on proving themselves but, it also made several leaders and heroes rise and inspire their men to greater deeds. Such as when Captain Arkhial Danon of the 120th Company lead half of his company with broken and dull blades and successfully took an alien fortress.

Then on the surface of the world of Maccard the forces of the 50th and the 4th were deployed to battle. But this would become a dark day for the 50th as during an assault on an enemy held fortress the forces of the 50th were commonly used as fodder and sent into the toughest positions. This combined with the multitude of weapons used in it caused the bodies of the dead members of the 50th to turn to ash. Subsequently this also caused the captains and chapter master of the 50th to come to blows with the leaders of the forces of the 4th Legion. Lord Raphael Daneel himself was quick to stand up for the lives of his men as well as coming to blows with the leader of the 4ths forces Lord Dorgus Shon-tu both of which had to be dragged away by their own men. Upon the ending of the battle most the visible dead were the mix of ash and whole bodies of the members of the 50th. This caused the 50th not to leave the surface for several more days as the apothecaries worked hard to recover any possible geneseed from their dead. The event that would become known as the "Ashes of Maccard" is also said to be where the 50ths love for armor first bloomed and sparked the change that would become the future doctrine of the chapter. But this is commonly debated by historians of the Imperium as well as historians of the chapter itself.

They started to view themselves less as needing to be proven and more as in they have proved their worth and during this they also stopped throwing themselves at enemy forces. During this time legion command slowly started to stop viewing them as a unit meant for punishment and shame. They slowly started leading more and more campaigns alongside other units of the IX Legion. Despite this the other legions and the Imperium still viewed the IXth as savages and needing to be purges. Though this also led to many heroes and legends to rise up from the fiftieth and gain their own legacies in the formation. Most notably being Captain Khorades Moriar of the 123rd Company who dueled several enemy champions to save the lives of hismost senior men in the ashen cities of Cyclor where the assault squads and despoiler squads of the 123rd company breached the walls of the enemy cities and a few high ranking members of the company were surrouned and critically wounded. Even though Captain Moriar lost his life he successfully saved the lives of his men.

Maccardian Ashes[]

In the wake of the Great Crusade

Their Fathers Return[]

On the red stained moon of Baal Secundus the savior of both the fiftieth and the ninth was found. Their primarch Sanguinius was met by the Emperor of Mankind as he brought his son into the Imperiums Light. After this all forces of the IXth were recalled to meet their primarch. The words that were said that day resounded throughout the IXth and especially the fiftieth who were perhaps the most looked down upon unit of astartes. But during this time the legion

Notable Campaigns[]

Era of Dawning, M30-M31[]

  • The Burning of the Lathrall System (801.M30-804.M30) - Early in the eighth century of the thirtieth millennium laid a star system ruled by the Lathrall Royal Family. During the first year of the eighth century the system was approached by forces of the Imperium to join the Imperium. But the royal family did not want to join the Imperium and had the ships destroyed which angered the Imperium and so the emperor tasked the IX Legion to send the fiftieth chapter as the systems punishment. At the beginning on the third month of 801.M30 the fiftieth chapter of the IX Legion then known as the "Revenant Legion" made planetfall on the first and second world of the Lathrall System where they would deploy by drop pods on the two planets and when they did. They Butch
  • Siege of The Telureum System (850.M30-854.M30) -
  • Siege of Eurand V (859.M30-863.M30) -
  • Compliance of Zambol Nine (868.M30-873.M30) -
  • Defense of Verdak Epsilon (876.M30-880.M30) -
  • Siege of Vanex (997.M30-000.M31) -
  • Horus Heresy (005-014.M31)
    • Journey of Blood (Date Unknown said to be from the end of the crusade and to the Legions advance to the Signus System although various records both support and deny this. Records are fragmentary and warp induced effects have caused time based anomalies) -
      • Void War of Theta 9 (Date Unknown)
      • Massacre at Kention (Date Unknown)
      • Purging of Hyrien (Date Unknown)
      • The Siege of Orthonia (Date Unknown)
    • Signus Campaign (005.M31-006.M31) -
    • Siege of Perrak (Early 007.M31)
    • Defense of Mundi (Mid 007.M31)
    • Regrouping at Mortis Prime (Late 007.M31)
    • Defense of Sakanna (Early 008.M31)
    • Ambush at Mendius Majoris (Mid 008.M31)

Era of Carnage, M32-M34[]

  • Burning of Zalrah (002.M32-010.M32)
  • Relief of Shemnyru (012.M32-014.M32)
  • Breach of Sigmon Bastion (016.M32-019.M32)
  • Dexieon Crusade (050.M32-057.M32)
    • Reckoning of Arkhennrus (050.M32-O51.M32)
    • Destruction of Adrasha (051.M32-052.M32)
    • Siege of Britilon (052.M32-053.M32)
    • Burning of Haxius (053.M32-054.M32)
  • Siege of Drakia Prime (059.M32-063.M32) -
  • Defense of Marxia (070.M32-085.M32) -
  • Zaxia Campaign (095.M32-099.M32) -
  • Candaxia Crusade (155.M32-185.M32) -
  • Second Signus Campaign (200.M32-220.M32) -
  • Cleansing of Rakka (239.M32-240.M32) -
  • Defense of Markia (250.M32-257.M32) -
  • Siege of Bastilia (267.M32-278.M32) -
  • Fall of Malaxis (280.M32 -300.M32) -
  • War of the Beast (544.M32-546.M32)

Era of Bloodied Glory, M35-M37[]

  • Zethius Crusade (001.M35-020.M35)
  • Battle Aboard the Spawn of Damanation (Early 005.M35-Mid 005.M35) -
  • Betrayal of Blood (M36/Age of Apostasy) - During the Age of Apostasy, the master of the first order at the time, Heiner Storl, and the 1st Order were attacked by Vandire loyalists who believed the Astartes to be traitors. After this attack, Heiner Storl and his men came to believe that everyone else was also traitors. However, during this time, the first order was slowly falling to the dark gods, as they began to hear voices. Over the span of a decade, their minds started to become warped and insane. Once they reunited with the rest of their chapter, accusations of treachery and betrayal rang out from the now corrupted first order. This led to a long civil war between the rest of the chapter and the first order, as well as any other forces loyal to the order. The conflict ended with the destruction of the first order's flagship, the "Guardian of Sakanna," along with her escorts. Any remaining corrupted members retreated hastily to the Eye of Terror, forming a new warband named the "Bloodied Betrayers." It is said that no one outside the chapter, save for Dante, knows of this shameful secret of the Knights Angelicus.

Era of Death, M38-M42[]

  • Siege of Ladonia (001.M41-.003.M41)
  • First Sakannic War (466.M41-513.M41) - The first of three sector-wide wars that would come to ravage the Sakanna sector. This one would become known as the "Years of Tragady" a term coined to this war by a member of the Knights Angelicus after the loss of their homeworld of Sakanna. The war was started by the loss of the world of Lepra followed by chaos astartes from various warbands arriving in the Lepra System and attacking each of the worlds in the system backed by corrupted Imperial Guard forces and daemons of the dark gods. The Knights Angelicus being the only chapter in the sector. They left their homeworld with six entire companies and four companies left to garrison their home. The first shots of the First Sakannic War rung out when the local battlefleet and fleet of the Knights Angelicus engaged a mix of ships of The Black Legion, Emperors Children, World Eaters, and Betrayers of the Blood. The final warband becoming a useful tool for the various leaders of the chaos forces as they fought the Knights Angelicus in the war.
    • Loss of the Lepra System (466.M41-467.M41) -
    • Siege and Fall of Sakanna (501.M41-513.M41) -
  • Second Sakannic War (608.M41-645.M41) -
    • Sakannic Crusade (613.M41-635.M41)
      • Massacre at Minov (613.M41-614.M41)
      • Arrival of the Nemesis Chapter (Mid 613.M41)
      • First Enia Incursion (614.M41-615.M41)
      • First Mortis Campaign (615.M41-617.M41)
      • First Siege of Minov (Mid 616.M41)
      • Second Enia Incursion (Mid 617.M41-618.M41)
      • Reinforcements from the Angels Sanguine
      • Second Mortis Campaign (618.M41-619.M41)
      • Second Siege of Minov (Late 618.M41)
      • First Defense of Kovrah (Early 619.M41)
      • Reinforcements from the Blood Angels (Late 619.M41)
      • Cleansing of Hadao (Early 620.M41)
      • Shield of Knights (Mid 620.M41)
      • Fall of Tonus (Late 620.M41)
      • Third Enia Incursion (Early 621.M41-622.M41)
      • Third Mortis Campaign (622.M41-Early 623.M41)
      • Third Siege of Minov (Early 623.M41)
      • Second Defense of Kovrah (Mid 623.M41)
      • Retaking of Tonus (Late 623.M41)
      • Arrival of the Salamanders (Early 624.M41)
  • Ontiac Campaign (833-843.M41)
  • Desolation of the Obsidian Gryphon (848-850.M41)
  • Devastation of Baal (999.M41)
  • Third Sakannic War (001.M42-Ongoing) - WIth the great rift effectivly cutting the home sector of the many sons of Sakanna. It gave traitor forces an easier time to attack the loyalist strongholds in the sector. The Third Sakannic War was ignited when forces of the bitter forth attacked out from the rift to seize the worlds near the the "Passage of Leon" which prompted the forces of the Blades of Sakanna, Angels of Dread, and their founders the Knights Angelicus alongside Harmonion Astra Militarum regiments to respond with their forces in the area. First contact was made in mid 001.M42 on the worlds of the Darol system where the 2nd Order of the Knights Angelicus and the 3rd Banner of the Blades of Sakanna on the agri-world of Mordorn where local PDF detachments were being sieged by cultists and astartes forces of the bitter 4th led by Chaos Lord Charmigah Sai of the warband "The Stygian Devastators." The First battles upon this world was led by the heavy armor of both the Harmonion Regiments and the Knights Angelicus combating the armor of the Devastators while the elite fast attack units of the Blades of Sakanna worked their way through the flanks of the enemy preforming hit and run tactics. Tank Commander Gaswin of the Knights Angelicus relic Falchion "Blade of Sakanna" personally took out several traitor armor units during the first battle that would come to be known as "The Burning of Mordorn" due to the amount of damage done to the worlds surface. The Harmonion regiments were used to support the armor of the Knights Angelicus who were slowly pushing back the forces of the devastators. Elsewhere in the Pylios System. The 1st Orders of Both of the Angels of Dread and Knights Angelicus alongside strike forces from both of their 3rd and 4th Orders were engaging iron warriors forces in the many orbital defense platforms in the system. As it was of the utmost importance that they weren't loss or else the defense of the systems and the surrounding ones would fall to turmoil.


"Sakanna is not just a world…she is a people…she is a legacy that we must honor and protect…she is a legend spanning countless generations…she is our people, our home, and her blood runs in our hearts."
—A conversation between a Justicar of the Knights Angelicus and his squires
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (4)

A world that the sons of Sanguinius have visited before during the great crusade. Sakanna has served as the home and primary recruiting grounds for the Astartes of the Knights Angelicus. Her people and the chapter itself weaving a story through history and the many heraldry’s of her people finding their way into the livery of the chapter. Founded long ago in human history it’s tech level has never once surpassed medieval level. This was mainly due to it being essentially a world for people who wanted to live like ancient terrans and mine and cut trees down on the frontier. Many of the first groups of settlers would form the many minor and major kingdoms that would come to be the main homes for the population as well as slowly formed the knightly orders from which the chapter that would call her home would include into their traditions. Even after as her asteroids and ruins litter the Sakannic system…the chapter still calls it home with many Astartes visiting the system to honor fallen comrades and lost heros even if the world is not there anymore


  • Wolves - said to be larger and faster then Terran wolves and said to have smaller packs. Commonly domesticated by the civilians and used as guard animals and or hunting animals. The wild ones make their dens in small to medium sized caves and or old dragon caves
  • Ignisfera Infernicus (Fire Breathing Dragons) and Ignisfera Articus (Ice Breathing Dragons) - rarely seen outside the people who travel the mountains consistently. Commonly are seen as very large and wide though is said that they do sometimes have smaller ones. Very territorial and typically leave human settlements alone after olden times. Though are fond of the Astartes on the world. Have been recorded as to excret oil when in spring and summer seasons (Astartes theorize this is how they cool themselves) as well as recorded as having been able to breathe fire and ice (anyone who has seen this has rarely lived) commonly uses their breath and sharp claws/talons to burrow dens high on the peaks of mountain tops. Though it is not uncommon for them to make dens in the side of mountains on ground level. Commonly seen with a female dragon companion. Is said they do not wonder far from each other.
  • Luminiscat Umbrafeline (Nocturnal Wildcats) - that are blind and hunt with smell and echolocation. Commonly seen in most environments on Sakanna. These wildcats are commonly seen in groups of 7-9 with the largest being the one in charge. They are commonly led by a female who gets to choose the male to mate with. Outside of the few males in the groups. The other group members are commonly the children of the in charge female. Commonly make their dens in caves and or sometimes they carve out holes in thick trees (the wildcats can vary in size but are commonly seen in medium to large sizes)
  • Serpentisjade Emeralddrake (Emerald Drake Serpent) - A species of reptilian creatures that act and look similar to the snakes of old terra. They differ in that they bear two heads upon their body and their scales resemeble emeralds which makes them both a rich source for hunters and an animal of legends. They commonly hide in swamps or other humid areas upon the surface of Sakanna. Records state they tend to grow between four to seven feet long and are highly poisenous and they commonly feed on small birds and rodents that feed on the nuts that commonly fall on the ground in those specific areas
  • Aquacrista Coralcoif - A lobster esque species that resides in the warm Ocean of Brentterre. These aquatic creatures bear 4 large claws on their arms that they use as ways to defend and attack. They also bear coral-like structures on its head that bears a resemblance of a crown. These are also a animal hunted by rich nobles for formal events.
  • Silvus Cantor (Forest Songbird) - A bird-like species known for its melodious calls that echo through the woodlands. Its feathers are a mix of dark reds and browns to help them blend in on the forest floor from predators
  • Arctus Caverniglaci (Glacial Bear) - A bear-like creature that thrives in subglacial caves, adapted to icy and dark environments. It tends to hunt in packs with the largest male and female being the head of the pack. It mainly inhabits the glacial caves and caverns of the northern and southern poles of Sakanna. They only leave these caves to hunt or if a young male goes to make his own pack.
  • Glaciavipera Glacialserpent (Glacial Serpent) - A snake-like creature that has adaped to live in cold enviroments. Specifically the northern areas of Sakanna. Because of its location. It has adapted to being able to swim to find food.
  • Auroraavis Stellarwing (Stellar wing) – A chicken-like bird species with wings resembling stars in the night sky. Its commonly hunted and raised for food. Its also a common food used by the people of Sakanna.


  • Sylvaphantom Ghostbark - A species of tree that are commonly found in the Darkened Forest of Sakanna. The species creates illiusions of ghostly figures sitting and standing in its branches and it has long since become a cause of many legends and myths.
  • Arbofata Arcaneoak (Arcane Oakion Tree) - A species of tree known for his arcane properties. which makes it very useful to the librarians of the chapter.
  • Silentisflora Whispershade (Whispershade Flower) - a flower that commonly is seen in shaded areas that emits quiet whispers to anyone who comes near. It is a source for many folktales and legends.
  • Terraflos Fungitree (Fungi-Tree Blossom) - A species that combines features of trees and fungi, with vibrant blossoms. It can commonly be foumd in dark areas of swamps and marshes of Sakanna. Its been noted that it has been used for medical remedies.

Minerals and Elements[]

  • Lastrite - The element that gives the blades of the Knights Angelicus a powerful flame is called “Lastrite” and is commonly found in the mountains and valleys of Sakanna. While it is an not an incendiary element from the start. It radiates a powerful heat even before it is mined. When combined with the other metals used when forging it makes the blade emit a small flame that covers the entire blade. When combined with a spell done by the Lord Magister. It amplifies the flame to an even larger size and power. It was commonly used by the people of Sakanna in the forging of bladed weapons. It is not flammable by itself but it is flammable when combined with certain metals like Adamantium which both of these elements can be found on Sakanna and it’s ruins. It is said that this element is kept under lock and key by the Knights Angelicus
  • Sakannic Gold -

Notable Areas of Sakanna[]

  • The Darkened Forest - A large forest inbetween two mountain ranges of Sakanna. This forest has been the host of many wars and battles and has been believed to be haunted by the ghosts of the very warriors who died in the forest and travelers have reported hearing the sounds of swords clashing and fighting. The forest itself gained its name from the fact it seems to be in an eternal darkness which is caused by the very thick branches and leaves of the highest level of foliage which blocks sunlight though it does not block the abnormally large amount of rain which seems to be due to the two mountain ranges surrounding the forest which makes any trip through the forest a very mud filled and dirty one.
  • The Screaming Peaks - The largest set of mountains on the surface of Sakanna it provides many villages and towns with food, protection, and area to thrive. The way the mountains have been shaped by nature makes the wind that flows through its valleys sound like an endless scream which gave the range its name. There is also records that on the highest peaks signs of the dragons have been seen and occasionally the sign of astartes tending to the dens in the highest peaks of the range. The mountains also house one of the many knightly orders "The Knights of the Tundra" these knights are commonly seen patrolling the walls that line the entrances to the range as guards and watchers. Commonly seen are convoys of traders and merchants going from location to location as well as groups of cattle moving among fields
  • Darkholm Castle -
  • The Valley of Desolation -


The many Kingdoms of Sakanna have a ancient and shared history and legacy that is also connected deep in the heart of the Knights Angelicus. These kingdoms are the lifeblood of the world as well as the primary recruiting source for the astartes where mothers and fathers would tell their children stories and legends of the chapter to inspire the many children to great feats. In return the chapter brought protection and a legacy worthy admiring to the kingdoms.

  • Northern Kingdoms
    • Kingdom of Cataria - Laying inbetween the cold and freezing mountains of the northern regions of Sakanna. The Kingdom of Cataria is led by Duke Leopold Brandt, His wife duch*ess Charlotte Brandt, and their two sons Lords Wilhelm and Otto Brandt. Due to the kingdoms location they make a very strong and sturdy group of citizens. This is reflected in their military. Where each soldier can be seen to have excerised their body and fighting skills to perfection due to this they show an exemplary toughness and strength. But their location also comes with issues of itself. Such as having limited areas to farm to combat this issue. The farmers have started placing rows of torches and or laterns to melt a large enough area to farm after they do this. They plant enough food and supplies to last them as well as enough for their troops.
    • Kingdom of Lionholm -
    • Kingdom of Andoria -
    • Kingdom of Balon -
  • Eastern Kingdoms
    • Kingdom of Blackholm -
    • Kingdom of Ironholm -
    • Kingdom of Eaglion -
    • Kingdom of Ravenholm -
  • Southern Kingdoms
  • Western Kingdoms

Knightly Orders[]

  • The Order of the Dragon - The symbol of the eldest and most ancient order in the history of Sakanna. This order has given the Knights Angelicus more warriors then any other and have given the people of Sakanna more champions and heros then the history books say.
  • The Knights of the Archangel -
  • The Order of the Moon -
  • The Order of the Raven -
  • The Knights of the Serpent -
  • The Order of Blood -
  • The Order of the Chalice
  • The Order of Desolation - The Order of Desolation is an horrifying and deadly order of knights that ruled over a vast area of land in the northern lands of Sakanna. There reputation was one of war and devastation. Where as most of the orders gave their enemies an honorable death and took prisoners. This order gave neither to their enemies as they viewed their enemies as dogs needing to be put down which gave them a nickname by the nobles of Sakanna "The Savages of the North." This order viewed the Knights Angelicus as another enemy needing to be slain but they were ultimately put to heel by a combined force of the many kingdoms and other knightly orders their leaders put to death and their historic but bloody and savage reign put into the lore. The order eventually became a more honorable order but still quite skilled and deadly and while they were honorable they also still loved destruction. But they spared the civilians but gave their enemies an honorable death while still giving no mercy to them. When this order became intergrated into the inner orders of the Knights Angelicus. Its astartes members commonly were made up of battle brothers from fire support lances and orders as well as members of the Ebon Death and Deaths Eclipse units of the chapter. Hardly any of their members if at all were from melee focused units. The Order unlike most if not all of the other orders is the one of the few combat focused ones. But the order is not deployed at once unless the Grand Duke deems them necessary. While the Ebon Death and Deaths Eclipse units are sworn to silence unless in the presence of their order. The fire support brethren who make up a good amount of the order are the only ones permitted to speak when not in the presence of their order
  • The Order of the Dragon Sages - Originally a mysterious and secretive order out of the many orders upon the world of Sakanna. The Dragon Sages originally kept notes and lessons and dealt with the mysterious and mystical things upon Sakanna with their warriors sent far and wide when the need to heed the call. They kept their secrets and information and lore under lock and key guarded by their strongest warriors in the deepest parts of their sanctum. When the Knights Angelicus turned the planet into their home. The Dragon Sages much like many if not all of the orders would be turned into various orders in the Knights Angelicus that would be made up of astartes and the mortals who were still in the orders. Once the Knights Angelicus brought the Dragon Sages into the fold of their chapter. The order while still keeping track of the mysterious and unknown it would come to include the arcane and be made up of the chapters psychic abled battle brothers as well as the mortals from the original order. The newly remade order instead of making a sanctum in the chapters fortress monastary they expanded upon the original orders fortress and made it stronger and even more guarded. The sanctum itself which was nestled deep in the forests of Sakanna was a large castle situated upon a hill surrounded by forests. Sadly with the destruction of Sakanna. This sanctum was lost but not before the lore, notes, and information was taken and stored securely on a thunderhawk. The members of the order while having lost sakanna still keep a number of mortal knights alongside the psychic battle brothers. Its also noted that the members of this order speak four languages. High and Low Gothic, Sakannic, and Arcannic (a mysterious form of Sakanna made by the orders founding members). Its also normal for the order to work alongside The Order of the Aged Blade to track and archive the chapters history and records
  • The Order of the Healing Flame - The Order of the healing flame has long been one of the most merciful and revered orders of the Sakannic Knights. While they were skilled in war they were as skilled if not more in the arts of medicine and healing. Commonly they would take the wounded enemy soldiers after the end of a campaign and under the banner of a ceasefire and or truce would tend to their enemies wounded as they believe that letting a fellow man and warrior die is a dishonor both to themselves and to their enemies people. Once the astartes of the Knights Angelicus made the world of Sakanna their home. They would slowly integrate their apothecarion facilities into the sanctum of the order. The sanctum itself was a constant brustle of both astartes and mortals alike tending to the wounded and the geneseed as well as the vast lore and archives of medical knowledge. It was not a rare sight to see the High Hospitaller roaming about tending to various wounded and helping whenever help was needed. The Hospitallers of the Knights Angelicus rarely left the sanctum unless they were to be deployed to battle or needed to report to a officer of the chapter. But it was also not uncommon to see them roaming the countryside and tending to any wounded animals they found. Once the destruction of Sakanna was wrought. Any surviving lore and knowledge was safe guarded on the chapters flagship guarded at all times by a rotating sentry of carmine paladins. The current High Hospitaller Karsten Ritter himself has been sighted reading many of the vast tombs of knowledge. Even more so when the chapter recovered its wounded from the Devastation of Baal. It should be noted that it was also not an uncommon sight to see the Hospitallers tending to wounded mortals and Imperial Guard members prior to the chapters departure

Heraldry of the Order of the Dragon Sages

Heraldry of the Order of Desolation




  • Grand Duke - Chapter Master
  • Duke - Captain
  • Baron - Lieutenant
  • Hospitaller - Sanguinary Priests/Apothecaries
  • Blade Smiths- Techmarines
  • Justicar - Chaplains
  • Magister - Librarians
  • Stygian Bladesmen - Chapter Champion
  • Sanguine Champion - Company Champion
  • High Archangel - Sanguinary Guard Leader
  • Carmine Lord - Leader of the Carmine Paladins
  • Knight Infernus - Leader of the Death Company
  • Seneschal - Sergeants
  • High Seneschal - Veteran Sergeants
  • Paladins - Veterans
  • Knights - Battle Brother
  • Squires - Scouts
  • Proctors - Initiates

Special Ranks/Titles[]

  • High Grand Master of Sakanna
  • Grand Master of Sakanna - A title held by the first duke of the Knights Angelicus at all times and is second to the title High Grand Master of Sakanna which is held by the Grand Duke of the chapter. The title Grand Master of Sakanna is meant to signify that the first duke is in charge of Sakanna while the Grand Duke is away. It also means the first duke is given overview and control of mining operations and any operations done on Sakanna or her ruins that is then given to the Grand Duke in the forms of reports on whats recently been done and any other changes. Its also the job of the one who holds this title to make sure the various kingdoms dont butcher each other
  • Grand Master of The Dragons - The title Grand Master of the Dragons is a title held only by the second duke of the chapter. This title means its the responsibility of the second duke to watch over and oversee the tending and health of the dragons that inhabit Sakanna as well as make sure they dont go butchering the kingdoms as well as making sure they are in good health
  • Grand Master of Desolation - The Grand Master of Desolation is a title given to the third duke of the Knights Angelicus. The title signifies the third dukes is given the responibility to command the Ebon Death and Deaths Eclipse units although he can not have them deployed unless the Grand Duke gives his word. This title does end up giving the third duke a feared and ruthless reputation even in a chapter like the Knights Angelicus.
  • Grand Master of the Knights - The title of "Grand Master of the Knights" is a honorable title worn proudly by the fourth duke that signifies his responsibility to oversee the remaining Sakannic Knights as well as the Sakannic Knights prior to their homeworlds destruction. This task helps the chapter stop the kingdoms and knights from needlessly butchering each other while still allowing them to fight if need be while also locating potential recruits born from the children of the Sakannic Knights with the help of the Grandmaster of the Squire
  • Grand Master of the Blade
  • Grand Master of the Aegis
  • Grand Master of Her Legacy
  • Grand Master of the Flames
  • Grand Master of the Skies
  • Grand Master of the Squires
  • High Guard of The Winged Court and The High Archangel
  • High Guard of The Carmine Court and The Lord Paladin
  • Keeper of the Damned Paladins and The Damned Justicar
  • Arch-Justicar of The Skull-Helmed Brethren and Warden of The Black-Knights

Units & Formations[]

  • Ebon Death - The Ebon Death is a silent but extremely deadly group of marines of the Knights Angelicus clad in dark black armor where the only color is the helmet stripe, unit icon, and chapter symbol. The unit itself has similarities to old Destroyer Squads of an era long since passed. They are tasked with wielding the deadliest weapons of the chapter and are sworn to silence in their duties as their identities are forged anew. Every member of the unit upon being sworn in is given a new name many of the names are names of angels from myths long since gone. They then have their armor either painted or scorched black to signify their journey through the unit. They then become "Ebon Clad Masters of Death" or as they been called "Ebon Death"
  • Black Knights - The warriors known as the Black Knights are a group of astartes equipped with shields, swords and even wrist mounted storm bolters. These onyx colored marines are the guards of the chambers of the justicars, Lord Leonardo Kaiser and the cells of the damned. They patrol these areas with a unbreakable tie to their duty, The term "Black Knights" was taken from a fairy tale from their homeworld of Sakanna that was about a black armored knight that patrolled and guarded various areas. It is said that some of the members of the Black Knights enscribe quotes from the fairy tale onto purity seals on their armor.
  • Carmine Paladins - The Carmine Paladins are an elite terminator equipped unit of the first order of the Knights Angelicus. They wield mastercrafted power swords, power axes, and shields. They also commonly have tilt plates on their shoulder that bears the personal heraldry of themselves and their family much like the rest of the chapter. Its also recorded that they commonly add blood drops with the symbols of enemy factions as marks for confirmed kills of enemy champions as well as it can be seen that they are commonly decorated with gold trim.
  • Sakannic Veterans
  • Ashen Guardians
  • Seraphim Guard
  • The Damned

The Bladed Host[]

Chapter Command
Grand Master Markus Koch"Knight of Vengeance and Broken Lord of Sakanna and Wielder of the Sanguine Blade"
Chapter Master of the Knights Angelicus
Command Lance:
(Knight Ancient, Paladin, Blade Priest, Blade Smith, Warlock, Marcel Lorenz - Stygian Bladesmen)
Galedic Azratis"The Son of Winged Wrath"High Archangel of the Archangel Guard
Arch-Angel Guard
Chapter Equerries
Chapter Serfs
ArmouryReclusiamApothecarionLibrariusFleet Command
Alexander Fritz"Master with Iron Will"
Lord of the Blade Smiths
Blade Smiths
Land Raiders
Thunderfire Cannons
Leonardo Kaiser"Lord of Tamed Blood"Master of the Paladins
High Blade Priest Karsten Ritter"The Genelines Protector"
Chief of the Blade Priesthood
Blade Priests
Chapter Serfs
Stefan Friedrich"Warrior of Stygian Fury"
Master of the Warlocks
Chapter Serfs
Adnachius Zaerus"Lord of the Void"
Star FortsShield of the MorningstarBattle BargesAngelsbladeGuardian of Sakanna
Strike CruisersBloodied VirtueGuardian of the BloodHeavens LanceBlood RiderBlood of SakannaSakannic Vengeance
Escorts & Support Vessels
Thunderhawk Gunships & Transports
Storm Talons
1st Order

"Stygian Knights"

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (7)
2nd Order

"Swords of The Heavens"

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (8)
3rd Order

"Platinium Shields"

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (9)
4th Order

"Knights of the Innocent"

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (10)
5th Order

"Knights of Eternal Blood"

1st Duke Henry Reinhardt
"The Guardian of the Blade, The Infernal Wrath, and The Ashen Knight"

Baron Volker Schnell
"Master of the Sands, Avenging Seraph of the Cleansed Mountain, Unyielding Veteran of the Stygian Halo"
Baron Bastian Görder
"Anointed Knight of the Sanguine Seal. Noble Warden of the Bladed Host"
Sanguine Champion Stígandr Glasg
Command Lance: Knight Ancient Mathias König, Justicar Nicola Werich, Magister Grimwald Kaulitz, Blade Smith Aldwin Diefenbachg, Hospitaller Hartwin GerstlegCarmine Lord Wolfgang Aichele

  • 125 Terminator Lances
  • 125 Assault Terminator lances
  • 125 Relic Terminator Lances
  • 125 Carmine Paladin Lances
  • 20 Venerable Dreadnoughts (of various patterns)
  • 40 Land Raiders (Transport Capable Versions)
  • 40 Land Raiders (Non-Transport Capable Versions)
  • 40 Spartan Assault Tanks
  • 10 Mastodon Heavy Assault Tanks
  • 20 Thunderhawk Gunships
  • 10 Stormbird Dropships
  • 10 Overlord Gunships
6th Order

"Bloodied Knights"

7th Order

"Stygian Wall"

8th Order

"Knights of Decimation"

9th Order

"Vengeful Sons"

10th Order

"Grieving Sons"

11th Order
(Battleline Reserve)

"Ebon Scions"

12th Order
(Battleline Reserve)

"Host of Retribution"

13th Order
(Battleline Reserve)

"Stygian Poets"

14th Order
(Fire Support Reserve)

"Sombre Blades"

15th Order
(Fire Support Reserve)

"Obsidian Treads"

16th Order
(Fire Support Reserve)

"Sakannic Wardens"

17th Order
(Close Support Reserve)

"Sakannic Blades"

18th Order
(Close Support Reserve)

"Sons of Sakanna"

19th Order
(Close Support Reserve)

"Winged Blades"

20th Order

"Heirs of Sakanna"

The Damned
Alaeus Tigrah
"Son Born of Enraged Blood"Knight Infernus of the Lost
Unknown number Death Company Astartes.
Death Company Dreadnoughts
All Knights Angelicus Space Marines who have succumbed to the madness of the Black Rage serve in the Death Company, including Dreadnoughts.

Beliefs & Culture[]

Mastercrafted Blades and Armor[]

Blacksmithing is a common thing and a common recreational activity for the people of Sakanna to do. Its even how the Knights Angelicus fight off the Red Thirst. Much like how other chapters of the blood do art and sing. The Knights forge personal weapons and armor and add their own personal details to them. Because of this it is not uncommon for melee weapons wielded by the astartes of the chapter to be forged by their own hands. This also goes for stuff like helmets and daggers and its even known that they tend to engrave personal details onto their armor to show their story. Its also common for each weapon forged by a member of the chapter to have tiny details on each forged weapon or suit of armor that shows who forged it. This also helps them mix the mineral "Lastrite" into the weapons during the forging process which ovetime helps the astartes make sure the mineral is mixed in good enough and in the correct way so their blades flames can be used in battle

Chamber of Blades[]

The Chamber of Blades was a tradition from the ancient history of the people of Sakanna called "Der Angriff der Krieger" in the Sakannic language and "The Warriors Charge"in low gothic. Back in those days it was common for the warriors to hang the blades of fallen comrades from the ceiling of a specific room and would carve their names into the wall. Overtime the Knights Angelicus would start to include this tradition in the rituals of the chapter. The chamber itself is made up of black colored stone walls with tens of thousands of names engraved onto it with the names itself gilded with bright and polished sakannic gold thats been melted down and then poured into each name. Alongside this are tens of thousands of broken swords, axes, knifes, spears hanging from the ceiling connected to chains made of durable Adamantium mined from the mountains of Sakanna. Each of these broken blades are engraved with the name and deeds of the blades user and then gilded with melted down Sakannic Gold which is a much brighter and more durable gold found on the coastal areas of Sakanna and used for decorative purposes. The chamber is then watched over and patrolled by the Black Knights of the chapter who serve as the caretakers, wardens, and watcher of the chamber. It is also common for members of the chapter to use the chamber to contact with former members of the chapter to be given any sort of advice or help from their spirits. It also serves as a motivational tool for the members of the chapter.

Knights Angelicus (NCF) (11)

Bells of The Damned[]

Once a tradition amongst the people of Sakanna. The bells of the damned were originally a pair of bells in various kingdoms that were rung when a knight was told to go on a mission. Once the Knights Angelicus make their chapter apart of the world. They took this amongst other traditions. Instead of what the kingdoms used them for. The bells were rung whenever a battle brother was inducted into the death company or whenever the Death Company were taken into battle.

Warrior Born of Vengeance[]

A figure of legend and mystery who came to be known as "The Black Knight" is said to be a marine whose unit was massacred and he was the sole survivor who was hunted down and killed and after decades a marine who beared the exact same suit of armor wasreported to be seen and was said to have gained the look of an astartes in ghostly black armor and robes. Legend states that he hunts the souls of the traitors who killed his brothers in the warp as a being of vengeance incarnate. Several reports have sighted him on battlefields he fought on many times in the midst of fighting and causing the enemies especially chaos ones to be spooked before disappeared. His appearance is hard for many people who witnessed him to describe. For the most part its consistently stated that nothing below his waist is visible as its covered by a ghostly smoke that seems to make his bottom half transparent in various areas but still retains a slight leg shape. But as is stated most of his body is covered by smoke. The other details that have been reported is smoke blowing out of various holes and gashes on his armor. Legend has it this is the damage he suffered when his squad was ambushed and when he was hunted down. The only part that has any color is the very faded chapter symbol on his shoulder pad. Its also stated he bears dark black robes that bear many gashes and tears in them. This knight of legend stalks the warp and various battlefields wanting to enact the revenge for his dead brothers lives seeking to fullfill his oath of vengeance

The Twin Sentinels[]

The Twin Sentinels are the two relic dreadnoughts (Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought and Contemptor Incaendius Pattern Dreadnought) who guard the main hall of the chapters fortress monastery and the main hall of the flagship of the Knights Angelicus. Their names are Hans Schütz who pilots the relic Contemptor and his twim biological brother Matthias Schütz who pilots the Contemptor Incaendius. The two brothers are commonly seen in two alcoves on each side of the entrance into the Inner Sanctums of the Fortress Monastery and the Flagship. Alongside them are groups of techmarines attending to any damage or repairs they need. While the twin dreadnoughts are the guardians of the area. They do often accompany the first order into battle.

Protectors of The Innocent[]

Vengeful Oaths[]


Chapter Recruitment[]

The Obsidian Path[]

The Obsidian Path is what the Knights Angelicus call the six trials of their esquires. The path consistently takes the esquires through every biome on Sakanna or on one of the chapters recruitment worlds. This will cause the initiates to face their fear, their inner doubt, their true selves, and many many other things along the way. Commonly the chapter also uses these trials to teach them why the chapter believes in their beliefs. Its also not uncommon for the chapter to recreate great battles in the chapters history and have the esquires go through them to show them what bravery means as well as the many beliefs of the chapter. But this is also where the chapter teaches them outside of fighting about the heroes, orders, legends, and even about the blood angels themselves as well as teaching them how to speak Sakannic.

  • 1st Trial "No Brother Left Behind - Kein Bruder zurückgelassen" - The first trial starts by the chapters justicars gathering up the various esquires into various groups and into various thunderhawks. The highest ranking member of the chapter that is overseeing the trial is then tasked with giving each thunderhawk a specific area to drop them at on the world. Some esquires are sometimes given wooden weapons and most of the time no weapons at all. The various groups are then tasked to advance to a location while collecting objectives along the way that are implanted with chips that send a single to the overseeing chapter member that they have passed a certain point. Whilst in the middle of this they are also tasked with making sure that each member of their respective groups makes it back alive and in one piece.
  • 2nd Trial "Facing death is but the first step - Dem Tod ins Auge zu sehen ist nur der erste Schritt" - After the first trial has been completed the justicars grab on esquire and take him into a thunderhawk to a random and remote area of Sakanna or one of the chapters recruitment worlds. Once the esquire is dropped off he is given forty eight to as long as a hundred hours to slay a beast and or monster and bring proof, find a specific item, or even just evade capture by scout sergeants and sometimes its a combination of the three the length of the trial is up to the discretion of each instructor apointed to each esquire. Often times esquires have to hand craft new weapons and learn to scavange to survive this trial most often do they not make it back. But the ones who do survive this trial come out having faced death and surviving.


Gene-Seed Flaws[]

Deathwatch Service[]

Combat Doctrine[]

The combat doctrine of the Knights Angelicus is possibly one of it not the most deviating doctrines of the Great Angels sons. They prefer using heavy armored tactics alongside heavy weapons to decimate their enemies. Due to this they have more tanks and vehicles in general then other chapters. The reason they prefer heavy armor and weapons is traced back to the great crusade when they were the 50th Chapter of the IX Legion where they were considered the ¨Armor Specialists¨ of the legion. Though their love for armor and heavy weapons tends to put them up against the more melee loving chapters outside of the Sanguinary Brotherhood.

They are Astartes who do not differentiate between the sword and the Predator tank as tools of warfare; what matters most is the unrelenting, unstoppable tide of destruction, an iron fist to drive into the heart of their foes. A uniquely mechanized chapter, the Knights boast a large motor pool of vehicles and fight along side them, adding to the precision firepower of their squads with the roars of tanks. They are deceptively quick in this regard; the knights do not stray far from their Razorbacks and Land Raiders, for these armored behemoths are as much a part of them as their Bolters, and are quick to ferry them off to the next target as needed. A common strategy utilized by the Knights is the infamous Blitzfaust, a vicious and concentrated armor drive that pushes through enemy ranks, driving deep into their back lines where they turn and ravage, leaving their allies to pour in behind them. It is as bold and dangerous as they are, perfectly suited for these superhuman warriors.

Notable Characters[]

  • Grand Dukes
    • Raphael Daneel - First "Großherzog" or "Grand Duke" and founder of the Knights Angelicus
    • Markus Koch - Current "Großherzog" or "Grand Duke"
  • Dukes
    • Henry Reinhardt - D of the 1st Order the "Stygische Ritter" or the "Stygian Knights"
    • Anton Strobel - Duke of the 2nd Order the "Schwerter des Himmels" or the "Swords of the Heavens"
    • Niklas Rupp - Duke of the 3rd Order the "Platin-Schilde" or the "Platinum Shields"
    • Klaus Zimmermann - Duke of the 4th Order the "Ritter der Unschuldigen" or the "Knights of the Innocent"
    • Luca Bernhardt - Duke of the 5th Order the "Ritter des ewigen Blutes" or the "Knights of Eternal Blood"
    • Rainer Meyer - Duke of the 6th Order the "Blutige Ritter" or the "Bloodied Knights"
    • Christoph Thiel - Duke of the 7th Order the "Stygische Mauer"or the "Stygian Wall"
    • Michael Schmitt - Duke of the 8th Order the "Ritter der Dezimierung" or the "Knights of Decimation"
    • Leo Kurz - Duke of the 9th Order the "Rachsüchtige Söhne" or the "Vengeful Sons"
    • Christian Schenk - Duke of the 10th Order the "Erben von Sakanna" or the "Heirs of Sakanna"
  • Barons

Chapter Member Bios[]

Chapter Member ArtworkNames, Rank, and Titles (if any)Bios
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (12)
1st Duke (Captain) Henry Reinhardt “The Guardian of the Blade, The Infernal Wrath, and The Ashen Knight” of the Knights Angelicus and leader of the 1st Order “Stygian Knights"Born out of wedlock due to his father waging war against a rival kingdom and claiming “spoils of war” he was commonly looked at as worthless and commonly kick to the curb so to speak. Upon reaching the prime age of Astartes recruitment. He was found in a dark alley in a town outside of the kingdom of Cataria. He was seen to malnourished, weak, and shown to have fought many times to survive and upon being found by a Justicar of the Knights Angelicus. He was brought back to the fortress monastery and was put into the recruitment trials to which he shocked the trial advisers as his weak and small size fooled them. He used his height and tactics he learnt while living on the streets to his advantage during the trials before successfully passing them and the implantation process as he swore the Stygian Oath it’s words dug into his soul like an anchor into an ocean floor. Once he saw action he quickly proved his worth. This caused him to rise through the ranks quickly and prior to being made 1st Duke he was the second in command to his then mentor. The 1st Duke Markus Koch prior to his ascension to Grand Duke. The many titles of the 1st Duke are from various battles in his life and various events through his life
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (13)

Chapter Specific Equipment[]

Sakannic Pattern Weapons[]

  • Helios Variant
  • Sparrow Variant
  • Phoenix Variant

Darkholm Pattern Helmets[]

Variant "Caphael"[]

Variant "Malarion"[]

Variant "Nhilius"[]

Variant "Daedalus"[]

Warden Pattern Power Armor[]

Base Sakannic Pattern Bolter Variant - Desiganted "Helios"

Sakannic Pattern Bolter Variant - Designated "Sparrow"

Sakannic Pattern Bolter - Stormbolter configuration designated "Phoenix"


  • Flagship/Battle Barges
    • Sakanna's Legacy - Couragous Class Battleship
    • Angelsblade - Battlebarge
    • Guardian of Sakanna - Battlebarge
  • Strike Cruisers
    • Bloodied Virtue - Strike Cruiser
    • Guardian of the Blood - Strike Cruiser
    • Heavens Lance - Strike Cruiser
    • Blood Rider - Strike Cruiser
    • Blood of Sakanna - Strike Cruiser
    • Sakannic Vengeance - Strike Cruiser
  • Escorts
    • Stygian Pride - Escort
    • Herald of Sakanna - Escort
    • Blood of the Innocent - Escort
    • Undying Vengeance - Escort
    • Angelic Lament - Escort
    • Spear of Justice - Escort
    • Herald of Angels - Escort
    • Crusader of Sakanna - Escort
    • Tears of Raphael - Escort
    • Carmine Gauntlet - Escort
    • Monarch of Absolution - Escort
    • Blade of Hope - Escort
    • Ninth Revenant - Escort
    • Daughter of Tempest - Escort
    • Angels Fist - Escort


  • Spear of Blood
  • Sanguine Blade
  • Ashen Helm
  • Flames of the Angel
  • Wings of Angels
  • Broken Blade
  • The Bloodied Blade
  • Standard of the Stygian Knights
  • Banner of Blades
  • Spear of Lamentations
  • Stygian Shield
  • Ebon Aegis
  • Crown of the Fallen Kings - a helmet worn and forged by the very first Grand Duke (Chapter Master) of the Knights Angelicus. Each chapter master has worn it on their head upon being granted the rank of Grand Duke. It has the tears and names of each Grand Duke of teh chapters history engraved onto the crown of the helmet. It is the emboiment of a legacy worth fighting for. A legacy that will make sanguinius himself proud. The Crown part of the helmet symbolizes the chapters connection to the people of Sakanna. The chain symbolizes the rage that is buried in them and the blood tear symbolizes the tears and anguish of each chapter master in the chapters history
  • Lightbringer - Lightbringer is a two handed axe wielded by the 2nd Duke Anton Strobel of the 2nd Order "Swords of the Heavens" of the Knights Angelicus. Lightbringer much like any and all power weapons forged on the moon of Xanna one of two moons of Sakanna and the one that holds the chapters forging location. The power weapons that are forged in the heat of Xanna and the molten ores are mixed with "Lastrite" and then forged into the shape of axe and once it cools a spell is used on it that amplifies the flame made by mixing "Lastrite" into it.
  • Might of Sakanna

The Relic Mastercrafted Power Sword "The Sanguine Blade

Mastercrafted Power Spear "The Spear of Blood"

Relic Power Spear "Spear of Lamentations"

Relic Sword "The Broken Blade"



Chapter Colors[]

Chapter Badge[]



Knights Angelicus (NCF) (21)
The bond between the Lamenters and the Knights Angelicus can be traced back to when the Lamenters went away from the inter-astartes conflicts between the other chapters of the 21st Founding where they met the Knights Angelicus engaged in a brutal conflict with an Ork horde on the world of Gaveion V. The Knights Angelicus down on the surface were dug in protecting a city of civilians holding the hordes of the green tide but barely when the yellow drop pods of the Lamenters rained down to help their brothers. The Knights Angelicus looking at their younger brothers with pride and relief on their faces pushed the horde back alongside their newfound brethren. Amongst the fires of this battle a newfound brotherhood was formed. Since then, the two chapters have had a close bond with each other. Sometimes even having various joint campaigns and crusades together. The Lamenters participation in the Badab War angered the Knights Angelicus...not at them but the Astral Claws now known as the Red Corsairs. The Knights Angelicus, despite the Lamenters still being on their penitence crusade, have helped them in various campaigns when able. This cooperation is rare in recent times due to the Lamenters low numbers, and both chapters being spread thin
File:Salamanders Armorial.png
"Brothers amongst cousins" this is a common saying used to describe the relationship between the Salamanders and Knights Angelicus that can be traced back to the Sakannic Crusade during the Second Sakannic War when the Salamanders came to their aid.
Imperial Fists
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (22)
The Knights Angelicus and the Imperial Fists share a long and storied history of camaraderie and mutual respect. Their relationship is forged through centuries of joint campaigns and shared battles fought side by side in defense of the Imperium. As Chapters with a similar focus on discipline, fortification, and martial prowess, the Knights Angelicus and the Imperial Fists have developed a deep bond founded on shared values and a common purpose. The Knights Angelicus often find themselves fighting alongside the Imperial Fists, forming a formidable alliance that combines the relentless assault and close combat expertise of the Knights Angelicus with the stalwart defense and mastery of fortifications of the Imperial Fists. Together, they form an indomitable force, their complementary skills and strategies creating a synergy that makes them a formidable force on the battlefield. The Knights Angelicus and the Imperial Fists are known for their meticulous planning, precision strikes, and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.
Beyond the battlefield, the Knights Angelicus and the Imperial Fists often exchange knowledge and expertise, sharing their experiences and insights to improve their respective combat doctrines. This mutual exchange of wisdom and tactics serves to enhance the capabilities of both Chapters, resulting in more effective and efficient operations. Though they may have differences in temperament and combat styles, the Knights Angelicus and the Imperial Fists have come to appreciate and rely on each other's strengths. Their bond is forged in the crucible of war and tempered through countless battles fought shoulder to shoulder. Together, they exemplify the unwavering loyalty, indomitable spirit, and unyielding determination that embody the finest traditions of the Adeptus Astartes.
Dark Angels
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (23)
The relationship between the Knights Angelicus and the Dark Angels is one marked by both respect and caution. As successors of the noble Blood Angels, the Knights Angelicus understand the value of secrecy and the weight of hidden truths. This shared understanding forms a foundation for their interactions with the enigmatic Dark Angels, who are known for their own secretive nature and the burden they carry as the guardians of ancient secrets. The Knights Angelicus hold the Dark Angels in high regard for their centuries of service to the Imperium and their unwavering dedication to the pursuit of the Fallen. They recognize the Dark Angels as a formidable force, renowned for their martial prowess and strategic cunning. While the Knights Angelicus may not fully comprehend the Dark Angels' hidden motives and clandestine operations, they respect their commitment to duty and their unyielding loyalty to the Emperor.
However, the Knights Angelicus also approach their relationship with the Dark Angels with a measure of caution. They understand that the Dark Angels operate with a level of secrecy and obscurity that can sometimes lead to suspicion and uncertainty. They remain vigilant in their interactions, carefully guarding their own secrets and ensuring that the alliance remains mutually beneficial. Despite the occasional tensions and uncertainties, the Knights Angelicus and the Dark Angels have fought alongside each other in numerous campaigns against the enemies of the Imperium. They have witnessed the valor and prowess of the Dark Angels on the battlefield, and in turn, have earned the respect of the Unforgiven through their own unwavering dedication to the Emperor's cause.
Ultimately, the relationship between the Knights Angelicus and the Dark Angels is characterized by a delicate balance of trust, respect, and a shared commitment to the defense of humanity. They recognize the importance of working together when the need arises, even as they remain mindful of the mysteries and hidden agendas that surround the enigmatic Dark Angels.
Blood Angels
File:Blood Angels Armorial.png
The Knights Angelicus share a deeply honorable and respectful relationship with the Blood Angels, for they are seen as kindred spirits within the Sanguinary Brotherhood, bound by their common lineage and the legacy of their primarch, Sanguinius. The Blood Angels hold the Knights Angelicus in high regard, recognizing them as true Sons of Sanguinius and valuing their unwavering devotion to duty and their unyielding loyalty to the Emperor. This bond of brotherhood between the Knights Angelicus and the Blood Angels is forged not only through their shared genetic heritage but also through their similar experiences and the trials they have faced on the battlefield. Both chapters have been touched by the Red Thirst and the Black Rage, and they understand the struggles that come with these inherited flaws. This shared burden creates a unique understanding and camaraderie between the two chapters.
The Blood Angels view the Knights Angelicus as trusted allies and steadfast comrades, knowing that they can rely on them in times of need. The Knights Angelicus, in turn, hold the Blood Angels in high esteem, admiring their nobility, courage, and the strength with which they uphold their sacred duty. The two chapters often come together in joint operations and campaigns, fighting side by side as a united force against the enemies of the Imperium. In the eyes of the Blood Angels, the Knights Angelicus exemplify the virtues of honor, courage, and self-sacrifice, embodying the noble spirit of their primarch. The Knights Angelicus, in return, hold the Blood Angels as paragons of virtue and valor, drawing inspiration from their brethren and seeking to live up to the lofty ideals set by their shared lineage.
This honorable relationship between the Knights Angelicus and the Blood Angels is marked by mutual respect, cooperation, and a deep sense of brotherhood. They stand united in their mission to protect humanity and to honor the legacy of Sanguinius, fighting as one against the horrors of the galaxy and defending the Imperium with unwavering loyalty and unwavering resolve.
Angels of Dread
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (24)
The relationship between the Knights Angelicus and the Angels of Dread can be traced back to the nineteenth founding where the second duke of the Knights Angelicus Tristan Schürmann was chosen to give birth to a new chapter from the Sons of Sakanna that was to be called the Angels of Dread. Their relationship would be furthered strengthened in the multi-sector wide war aptly named "The Black Reign" which was started by the forces of a Thousand Sons warband "The Talons of Ash" which took over several sectors of imperial space by cutting off communication and travel access and making the area infested with traitors and daemons. The entirety of both chapters as well as several other chapters and elements from various parts of the Imperium launched a crusade into the traitor held space that to both chapters would become known as the "Black Reign" due to their enemies wearing almost black like armor.
Blades of Sakanna
Knights Angelicus (NCF) (25)

Notable Quotes[]

By: Knights Angelicus[]

—Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought Hand Schütz “The Bloodied Blade” of the Knights Angelicus during the fall of Sakanna
—4th Duke (Captain) Klaus Richter of the Knights Angelicus during the Fall of Sakanna
"Kneel Sir Adrian…knight of the 2nd order, son of Grandmaster Stefan and his wife Viktoria. For your actions in the first Sakannic War and on the cursed steel of the “Blade of Khorne” and for saving the life of the Duke of the first order. You are hereby promoted to the rank or Seneschal and you shall lead your brothers into the fires of war and lead our fathers wrath onwards. Rise Seneschal Adrian of the 2nd Order"
—Recorded words of Grand Duke Markus Koch to seneschal Adrian during his promotion to the rank of Seneschal
"Brotherhood? You call this brotherhood? Look around, brother… look at what you have caused! Our honor burns at your hands! You shame the very title of 1st Duke. Our brethren lie dead at your hands, and you want me to join you?! Have you fallen beyond the vast depths of madness, brother?! You call yourself a Son of Sangunius, but you stand here clad in the icons of traitors and heretics! What was it worth, brother… what was it worth… our brethren dead… our honor broken… our shame everlasting! You do not deserve even to bear that suit of armor, you putrid filth… nor do you even deserve to call yourself a Son of Sakanna. You shame your family's legacy and honor. You are no better than the traitors that killed our father. My own biological brother lies dead, and his blood is on your hands, Heiner! You did this!"
—High Seneschal Heinrich upon cornering the fallen knight Heiner Strol
"Much like our father and our forefathers did before us. We too strike from the heavens as angels of his wrath. On wings of flame and ash we smash into the enemy lines as our Stygian armor advances behind us"
—Knight Aleric of Assault Lance Maliel of the Knights Angelicus
"Men..Women..Sons..and Daughters of Sakanna hear these words! The enemy approaches ever more...their forces are coming and they will not stop. I will not lie to you and say that we have a chance of winning. They outnumber us greatly..and many of their own forces contains the cancer that is my traitorous brethren. But we will kill as many of those thrice damned traitors as we can. This is our home..our people..our world! Your hearts are filled with a fury that traces across generations. We will not break! We will not falter! The angels fury graces us on this day! Make his fury known make their blood water the ground of our home! We may die but we will go down in the records of history!"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch to the remaining Sakannic Knights and members of the Knights Angelicus during the final battle upon the surface of their home
"You will not make us leave my lord. This world is as much as our home as it is yours. If we must we will die alongside you fighting against an enemy that we ourselves have no experience against. But so be it..this is why we swore our oaths. We will fight for our children...our families or die trying. The odds may be against us but arent they always my lord. We may just have weak weapons compared to the ornate ones that your warriors wield. But it is not the weapon that makes a warrior but how they use it. Our oaths are to the people of Sakanna and we will honor our oaths and if we die we will die with the enemy dead around us"
—Unknown Sakannic Knight to Grand Duke Markus Koch
"“Is this all you can bring against me?! Is this all that the legions of the dark gods have?! I have slayed all who have come against me! I AM HEINRICH SON OF ARTHUR AND ZARA! I AM A SON OF SAKANNA, A SON OF SANGUINIUS, AND A CHAMPION OF HIS WRATH! FACE ME WARRIORS OF THE SO CALLED DARK GODS AND SHOW ME THE TRUE STRENGTH OF YOUR TRAITOROUS HIDES AND FACE A TRUE SON OF SAKANNA!"
—Sanguine Champion (Company Champion) Heinrich of the Knights Angelicus 4th order as he stood upon a mound of dead traitor Astartes moments before a large group rushed him and his last moments were fought during the fall of Sakanna
"The squires are my charge…they are duty and my honor. Without them our chapter would be unable to be rebuilt. They are in a way the lifeline of the chapter"
—The 10th Duke Christian Schenk of the Knights Angelicus
"Let them come! Call my brothers! I shall avenge my people’s deaths! For each civilian killed on Sakanna we shall take the heads of ten times that from those traitorous dogs! Call Lieutenants Zakiel and Ezekiel and my honor guard. We will meet them at their boarding spot and we will make them bleed in vengeance!"
—Orders and Words of 7th Duke Christoph Thiel of the Knights Angelicus when his flagship was being boarded
"When a man’s home and world lays in ash and ruins…he does not just sit back and watch as the ones who desecrated it keep going…no he plans and plans..rebuilding his forces and efforts..and then he strikes for vengeance and that vengeance does not stop until all debts are payed in blood"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch of the Knights Angelicus upon the start of the Sakannic Crusade
"You thought you could shatter our brotherhood, fracture our unity? You underestimated the strength of the Knights Angelicus! I, Christoph The 3rd Duke, defy your false ideals!"
—The Last Words of The former 3rd Duke Christoph Dehne during the burning of Sakanna and last stand of the 3rd Order said to the combined traitor legion forces
"Those “worthless” knights stood shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and myself to defend our home! Armed with nothing but thin metal armor and weak swords, shields, maces, and axes. But they had courage and honor more then anything else. They were our people…some even our family…several hundred Astartes were descendents and ancestors of those knights…some even siblings….they did their duty…and despite the odds they kept fighting even when defeat was inevitable as they sought to take as many of the traitor bastards with them as they could…that is why we keep them around..because they are the last remaining piece of our homeworld and the bravest mortals I’ve ever met"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch replying to an unknown inquistor who was asking about the Sakannic Knights
"Sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers of Sakanna…our world…our home is on the verge of destruction but you do not have to die here…Thunderhawks await refugeees…but if you wish to fight then we will be honored to fight alongside the people of our home who have built a legacy worth honoring. There is a quote my mortal father told me when I was but a child “a warrior fights for his home and his people…and when he falls his soul becomes a being of vengeance.” You will stand with warriors decades if not centuries older then yourselves. Many of you will not make it and many of my own brothers will not make it as well. But that is what duty calls for! We hold them here! Do not bend and do not break! Do not give a single inch to the traitors! We will make them pay with their own blood! Our deaths and our defiance will sound throughout the records of history! We are her sons and daughters! Astartes of the Knights Angelicus and Warriors of Sakanna! What is our duty! “Death!” What is our will! “Vengeance"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch to his chapter and the mortal warriors of his homeworld during their defiant stand as it fell
"Bring me their heads! Bring death to their forces and their will! Earn a place in our fathers glory! Bring the wrath of the angel to them! This is our vengeance!"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch to his chapter at the start the Sakannic Crusade
"You may kill us here…you may win. But we will take you down with us. We will burn and destroy every world you control. We will watch as you and your traitor scum beg for mercy at the hands of the sons of Sakanna. We will burn the meaning of vengeance and righteousness into your very souls. We will make sure you know true wrath as your blood waters the soil of the worlds we protect! You will die here amongst your traitorous kind as we burn you from the annals of history"
—Grand Duke Markus Koch to Emperors Children Chaos Lord Valaxion
"I am the last son of my father…his blood and legacy lives in me. But in a way…the legacy of the people of both cataria and Sakanna also live on with me. We carry their legacy further into the depths of history…that is all one can do when one’s world and home go up in flames as you see your mother running to safety with you in her arms"
—7th Duke Christoph Thiel of the Knights Angelicus

About: Knights Angelicus[]

"Ah the smell of my enemies who I once considered brothers dying at my hand….soon Sakanna will burn isn’t that right little Markus. You and your chapter will be erased from existence and your home taken from you. Always keep an eye on what you hold dear…brother"
—Chaos Lord Heiner Storl of the Betrayers of the Blood and former 1st Duke of the Knights Angelicus to Grand Duke Markus Koch after telling the various chaos leaders the location of his homeworld
"Tell me why do you keep those worthless knights in nothing but thin armor and weak weapons around when you have better warriors?"
—An unknown Inquisitor asking Grand Duke Markus Koch about the Sakannic Knights
"The tears of your people as they scream and shout in pain…is delicious. I can’t wait to savor their suffering while I burn the home of you corpse worshippers…and then I will sacrifice your bodies to the dark gods"
—Emperors Children Chaos Lord Valaxion to Grand Duke Markus Koch

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Knights Angelicus (NCF) (2024)


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